Frequently Asked Questions
Will the games being filmed?
All games and showcases taking place at the Player's Summit will be filmed by SportsRecruits. SportsRecruits will have film packages available for sale following the event.
Sports Recruits will also be using their Event Beacon platform that will allow college coaches on site to have access to all attending players! This will make it easier than ever before for coaches to evaluate potential prospects on site. Every player will be rostered according to their information that was entered on their Event Beacon platform.
IMLCARecruits is the home base for men’s collegiate lacrosse recruiting. Student-athletes will have exclusive access to event film from IMLCA events with an IMLCARecruits Pro account. This means that film from the IMLCA Players Summit is included as part of an Individual or Club/HS IMLCARecruits Pro account. Following the event, film will become automatically accessible inside student-athlete accounts on IMLCARecruits. This event film will then live in the student-athlete's IMLCARecruits video library, where student-athletes can utilize in-platform video editing tools and/or the SportsRecruits professional highlight reel offerings to clip that film into their own personal reel.
Unlock film for IMLCA Players Summit with IMLCARecruits Pro, in addition to:
Access film from every IMLCA event
Unlimited professional highlight reels, made by the SportsRecruits team
Pro recruiting tools, including the ability to message college coaches and track when they're viewing your profile or video
Where can I find the coaches list?
We will be collecting the coaches check in on-site and will distribute post event. All coaches can be on the sideline and the convention has nearly 700 registrants.
What time do games begin on Saturday?
All teams should be prepared to play at 8:00am on Saturday. We recommend getting into town by Friday evening.
What time will games end on Sunday?
All games on Sunday will finish no later than 4:00 pm (3:00 start time). We recommend booking flights no earlier than 6:00 pm to be safe.
Would you recommend renting a car?
We would advise to not rent a car for the duration of this event. Parking will be limited at OMNI Championsgate so we would recommend either sharing a car with another family or using car services (Uber, Lyft, etc.).
OMNI Championsgate, completely separate from the event, will be charging a daily parking fee of $10 (cash only).
To coordinate coach bus team transportation, please contact jvogel@athleteshospitality.com.
What hotels fall under the stay to play mandate?
All sanctioned hotels can be provided by our partners at Athlete's Hospitality. In addition, each team's registrar has been sent private booking links to share with their team. Visit www.athleteshospitality.com for more booking information.
What is EventBeacon?
All teams will be rostered in the traditional fashion.
In addition to the printed roster books, IMLCA Players Summit has teamed with Sports Recruits and Event Beacon, a recruiting app designed to manage all event data in one, neat space on the coaches’ phone, computer or tablet. For more information about Event Beacon, click here.